
“Infrasia Capital” team actively participated in the public-private partnership roundtable
O'zbek tilida pastda; In Uzbek at the end
On February 29 of this year, a roundtable discussion on the goals of public-private partnership development in the "Uzbekistan-2030" strategy was organized on the initiative of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and with the support of the International Finance Corporation at the Hilton Hotel in Tashkent.
Representatives of ministries, agencies, international financial organizations, investors and various funds took part in this event.
At the event, the role of the "Uzbekistan-2030" strategy in the development of the country and the prospects of public-private partnership projects worth 30 billion US dollars in this strategy were discussed by industry experts, investors and state partners.

"Infrasia Capital" company took an active part in this event. In particular, the CEO of the company, Odilbek Isakov, took part as a moderator in the panel discussions on the topic "Opinions and comments of the private sector" in the 3rd session of the event. In this session, ACWA Power Regional Director John Zaidi, Meridiam Eurasia Director Remy Hassenforder, Metito Business Development General Manager Walid Madwar, Suez International Central Asia CEO Alan Carbonell and Francois Laforet, Director of Development for Central and Eastern Europe of "Veolia" company, participated and expressed their opinions.
Over the past six years, Uzbekistan has witnessed a remarkable surge in the successful closure of large-scale Public-Private Partnership (PPP) transactions, solidifying its reputation as an attractive investment destination for major global investors operating across multiple continents. These transactions have served as pivotal milestones in the country's journey towards economic growth, infrastructure development, and fostering international collaborations.
At the same time, solutions to some shortcomings and bureaucratic obstacles of the past period were also shown. In particular, it was noted by Mr. Madvar that it takes a record long time - more than 3 years - for the financial completion of PPP projects (i.e. attracting loans to the project) in Uzbekistan, and this causes objections from investors. As a solution, the experience of Rwanda - the need to centralize assistance to PPP investors by the state - i.e. the importance of introducing the "one stop shop" system was noted.
In the session, it was mentioned that the high interest rates formed in the global financial markets do not have a long-term effect on PPP projects.
Odilbek Isakov: The Gross Domestic Product of the Republic of Uzbekistan will exceed 100 billion US dollars in 2024 and the expected demographic (population will exceed 40 million) and economic growth rates (GDP will reach 160 billion US dollars) in the republic until 2030. He closed the session by noting that both demand and opportunity create opportunities for the implementation of many important infrastructure projects.

In addition, the COO of "Infrasia Capital" Nodir Nuritdinov participated as an expert in the 5th session called "Legal and regulatory frameworks" among local and foreign experts. In this session, Nadir Nuritdinov expressed his valuable opinions about what should be paid attention to in the fast and quality implementation of public-private partnership projects by consultants.
In this speech he noted some crucial statistics on PPP development in Uzbekistan since 2019.
Uzbekistan has made significant progress in PPP development and transactions with global investors.
The government aims to secure $30 billion USD for infrastructure development through PPP by 2030.
A robust regulatory and legal framework for PPPs is crucial for successful expansion and sustainability.
The framework should efficiently mobilize private resources and allocate risks for optimal stakeholder outcomes.
It should ensure affordability and long-term sustainability of fiscal commitments from PPP projects.
Insights from IFIs and the private sector have guided Uzbekistan in PPP development.
The focus of this session is refining and strengthening the legal and regulatory frameworks for mobilizing the $30 billion USD.
In conclusion, the next stages of the implementation of public-private partnership projects in Uzbekistan were determined at this roundtable discussion, and it was agreed that the importance of international financial organizations, investors and state partners should be actively involved in the development of these projects.
In conclusion, the roundtable discussion on the implementation of public-private partnership (PPP) projects in Uzbekistan marked a significant milestone in shaping the next stages of these initiatives. The participants acknowledged the crucial role of international financial organizations, investors, and state partners in actively contributing to the development and success of these projects.
Recognizing the multifaceted nature of PPPs, the roundtable emphasized the importance of collaboration and cooperation among all stakeholders involved. International financial organizations, renowned for their expertise and experience in PPPs, were considered invaluable partners in providing guidance, technical assistance, and financial support. Their involvement ensures the alignment of projects with international best practices, standards, and sustainability principles, further enhancing the attractiveness of PPPs to potential investors.
In conclusion, this roundtable discussion determined the next stages of the implementation of public-private partnership projects in Uzbekistan, and it was agreed that the importance of public partners, international financial institutions, investors and consultants equally active participation in the development of these projects.

Joriy yilning 29-fevral kuni Toshkent shahrining Hilton mehmonxonasida Iqtisodiyot va Moliya vazirligi tashabbusi hamda Xalqaro Moliya Korporatsiyasining ko‘magi bilan “O’zbekiston-2030” strategiyasida davlat-xususiy sheriklikni rivojlantirish maqsadlari bo‘yicha davra suhbati tashkil etildi.
Ushbu tadbirda vazirlik va idoralar, xalqaro moliya tashkilotlari, investorlar hamda turli jamg‘armalardan vakillar ishtirok etishdi.
Tadbirda “O’zbekiston-2030” strategiyasining mamlakat taraqqiyotidagi o‘rni hamda ushbu strategiyada 30 mlrd. AQSh dollari qiymatida davlat-xususiy sheriklik loyihalarining istiqbollari soha mutaxassislari, investorlar va davlat sheriklari tomonidan muhokama qilindi.
“Infrasia Capital” kompaniyasi ushbu tadbirda faol ishtirok etdi. Xususan, kompaniya bosh direktori Odilbek Isakov tadbirning 3-sessiyasi “Xususiy sektorning fikr va mulohazalari” mavzusidagi panel muzokalarida moderator sifatida ishtirok etdi. Ushbu sessiyada “ACWA Power” mintaqaviy direktori Jon Zaidi, “Meridiam” kompaniyasining Yevroosiya bo‘yicha direktori Remy Hassenforder, “Metito” Biznesni rivojlantirish bo‘yicha Bosh menedjeri Valid Madvar, “Suez International” Markaziy Osiyo bo‘yicha Bosh ijrochi direktori Alan Karbonel hamda “Veolia” kompaniyasining Markaziy va Sharqiy Yevropa bo‘yicha Rivojlantirish direktori Francois Laforet ishtirok etdilar.
Ushbu sessiya ishtirokchilari so‘nggi olti yil ichida O‘zbekiston davlat-xususiy sheriklik (DXSh) loyihalariga yirik investorlarni jalb eta olgani qayd etildi. Bunga sabab etib DXSh sohasidgi qulay qonunchilik, davlat tomonidan qo‘llab-quvvatlash mexanizmlari yaratilgani, xalqaro moliya institutlarining maslahat ko‘maklari va boshqa turli omillarni sanab o’tildi.
Shu bilan birga, o‘tgan davr mobaynidagi ayrim kamchilik, byurokratik to‘siqlarga yechimlar ham ko‘rsatildi. Jumladan, janib Madvar tomonidan DXSh loyihalarini moliyaviy yakunlash (ya’ni loyihaga kredit jalb etish) uchun O‘zbekistonda rekord uzoq muddatdan – 3 yildan ziyod vaqt ketayotgani hamda bu investorlar tomonidan e’tirozlarga sabab bo‘layotganini ta’kidlandi. Yechim sifatida esa Ruanda tajribasi – davlat tomonidan DXSh investorlarga ko'mak berish markazlashtirilishi lozimligi – ya’ni “one stop shop” tizimi joriy etilishi muhimligi qayd edildi.
Sessiyada joriy vaqtlarda global moliya bozorlarida shakllangan yuqori foiz stavkalarning DXSh loyihalariga uzoq muddatli ta’siri yo‘qligi aytib o’tildi.
Odilbek Isakov O’zbekiston Respublikasining Yalpi Ichki Mahsulot 2024 yil 100 mlrd AQSh dollaridan oshishi hamda 2030 yilgacha kutilayotgan demografik (Aholi soni 40 mln. nafardan oshishi) va iqtisodiy o‘sish sur’atlari (YaIM hajmi 160 mlrd. AQSh dollariga yetishi) respublikada ko‘plab muhim infratuzilma loyihalarini amalga oshirish uchun ham talab ham imkoniyat yaratishini ta’kidlab, sessiyani yopdi.
Davra suhbati doirasida Huquqiy va me’yoriy asoslar deb nomlangan 5-sessiyada mahalliy va xorijiy ekspertlar qatorida “Infrasia Capital” ning Ijrochi direktori Nodir Nuritdinov ham ekspert sifatida ishtirok etdi. Ushu sessiyada Nodir Nuritdinov davlat-xususiy sheriklik loyihalarini amalga oshirishni konsultantlar tomonidan tez va sifatli bajarilishida nimalarga e’tibor qaratish kerak ekanligi haqida o‘zining qimmatli fikrlarini bildirib o‘tdi.
Jumladan, 2030 yilgacha masqad qilib olingan 30 mlrd. AQSh dollari hajmda DXSh loyihalarini amalga oshirish uchun mustahkam va barqaror me'yoriy-huquqiy hamda moliyaviy baza muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi.
DXSh loyihalarining bardavomligini ta’minlash uchun:
- davlat va xususiy sheriklarning ma’suliyatlari va majburiyatlari DXSh loyihalari tufayli erishiladigan natijalarga maqbul ravishda taqsimlanishi;
- xususiy sektor tomonidan taklif etilayotgan qurilish harajatlari boshqa usulda moliyalashtirilgan loyiha harajatlari bilan raqobatlasha olishi;
- fiskal majburiyatlarning aniq va uzoq muddatda turli xil stress ssenariylarda davlat byudjetiga tushadgian yuki aniq hisob-kitoblar asosida rejalashtirilishi lozimligi qatnashilar tomonidan e‘tirof etildi.
Xulosa qilib aytganda, ushbu davra suhbati O’zbekistonda davlat-xususiy sheriklik loyihalarini amalga oshirishni keyingi bosqichlari belgilab olindi hamda ushbu loyihalar rivojlanishida davlat sheriklari, xalqaro moliya insitutlari, investorlar va maslahatchilar birdek faol ishtirok etishi muhimligi kelishib olindi.